The effect of special speed exercises on some physiological indicators in terms of fitmet preo among young basketball players


  • Zainab Mazhar Khalaf مدیریة تربیة المقدادیة/ قسم النشاط الریاضي والمدرسي



The aims of the study to know of The Effect Of the excesses of
loading special speed On Some Physiological from (Fitmet Preo)
In Young basketball players, In it study using experimental
research, Choose the subjects from the Sllek basketball (18)
players, and divided into groups (controlling group and
experimental group), After that using excesses of loading special
speed in unit training (8) weeks at (3) men in one week the
Conclusions of study it the excesses of loading special speed is
Effect Of in (RMR) and calories and don’t Effect Of in (VO2max)
In experimental groups Young basketball players, but not
happened that in controlling groups Young basketball players.


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How to Cite

زینب مزھر خلف, “The effect of special speed exercises on some physiological indicators in terms of fitmet preo among young basketball players”, jfath, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 1–18, Aug. 2023.