Employing the values ​​of artistic and aesthetic education included in animated films to draw up a strategy for continuing education for art education teachers


  • Yousry Abdel Wahab Mahmoud University of Diyala College of Fine Arts




Artistic education, Continuous Teaching, Animated Films


The current research aims to:

1- Analyzing the content of animated films and verifying the values ​​of artistic and aesthetic education they contain, and making an inventory of those values

2- Draw a strategy to employ these values ​​in the continuing education of art education in Iraq

The research community included animated films shown on mbc2.

(6) feature films broadcasted through that channel were selected

During the period between (1-10-2017) until (1-3-2018), as it was chosen randomly from (24) feature films broadcast during that period, where a feature animated film is shown during one week

To achieve the goal of the research, the researcher designed a tool that fits the goal of the research and extracted the values ​​included within the research sample, and it was presented to a group of experts in the field of fine arts to verify the validity of the tool.After analyzing the films within the research sample, it appeared that (80%) of the values ​​of art education and (88%) of the values ​​of aesthetic education that we are trying to inculcate in the learner during formal education are found in animation films, which is a very good percentage and sufficient for confidence in the possibility of animation films. Who inculcates those values ​​in the learner even after the end of the formal education period.


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How to Cite

يسرى عبد الوهاب محمود, “Employing the values ​​of artistic and aesthetic education included in animated films to draw up a strategy for continuing education for art education teachers”, jfath, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 59–96, Jul. 2023.