The training needs necessary to prepare the university teacher from their point of view


  • Jabbar Thayer Jabbar كلية التربية الاساسية/جامعة ديالى


The process of paying attention to education in the
elementary level is represented through focusing on
preparing and training teachers in a way that is suitable to
build a knowledge-based generation. Preparation and
training ought to be based on a group of training
requirements regarding the teacher as the cornerstone in
reforming the educational system in basic stages. Such
preparation should occur prior to and during the service so
as to result in a well-qualified teacher of prominent
performance. The study aims at:
- Identifying the most important training requirements
needed in preparing the basic levels teachers from their own
points of view. The tool of (Barakat,2010) is adopted in the
study after executing all scientific research procedures. It
was applied on a sample of elementary school male and
female teachers with a bachelor certificate in Diyala General
Directorate of Education.
After gathering the required data and processing them
statistically, the researcher figured out the following results:
- Ascendingly arranging the training requirements as in
table number 2.
- Finding out the training requirements of the basic levels
teacher according to sex variable (male-female). It is noted
that males enjoy a higher level of training in the training
requirements than females because the measured T-value is
more than the tabular value and in favor of males as the


-ثشبسح ، عجشائ١( ً0،09ِ : )زطٍجبد اٌضٛسح اٌؼٍّ١خ ٚاٌزىٌٕٛٛع١خ فٟ

اٌزىٛ٠ ٓإٌّٟٙ ، اٌّغٍخ اٌؼشث١خ ٌٍزشث١خ – رٛٔظ – اٌّغٍذ اٌضبٌش – اٌؼذد األٚي.

-ثشوبد ، ٔبفز ِؾّذ )5111 : )اٌزؾٍ١ ًاالؽظبئٟ ثبعزخذاَ spss–

اٌغبِؼخ االعالِ١خ– غضح.

-د٠ت ، اٚطبف، ٚاخشْٚ )5110: )االؽز١بعبد اٌزذس٠ج١خ ٌّؼٍّٟ اٌؾٍمخ

االٌٚٝ ِٓ اٌزؼٍ١ ُاالعبط فٟ ِغبي رمٕ١بد اٌزؼٍ١ ، ُوٍ١خ اٌزشث١خ – عبِؼخ


-ػجذ اٌخبٌك ، ئثشا٘١( ُ0990 : )اٌؾبعبد اٌزذس٠ج١خ ٌّؼٍّبد اٌش٠بػ١بد

فٟ اٌّشؽٍخ األعبع١خ اٌؼٍ١ب فٟ ِذ٠ش٠خ ػّبْ األٌٚٝ – سعبٌخ ِبعغز١ش غ١ش

ِٕشٛسح – اٌغبِؼخ األسدٔ١خ – األسدْ.

-ػجذ اٌّمظٛد ، ِؾّذ )0991 : )االؽز١بعبد ٌٍّٕٛ إٌّٟٙ ٌٍّؼٍّ١ ٓفٟ

لطبع اٌزؼٍ١ ُفٟ اٌذٌٚخ اٌؼشث١خ – إٌّظّخ اٌؼشث١خ ٌٍزشث١خ ٚاٌؼٍَٛ – اٌمب٘شح .

-ػجذ اٌٛ٘بة ، ِؾّذ ػٍٟ ، ) 0،09 : )اٌزذس٠ت ٚاٌزطٛ٠ش ِذخً ػٍّٟ

ٌفؼبٌ١خ االفشاد ٚإٌّظّبد، اٌش٠بع – ِؼٙذ اإلداسح اٌؼبِخ.

ِغٍخ اٌفزؼ ......................................................اٌؼذد اٌشاثغ ٚاٌغزْٛ . وبْٔٛ االٚي ٌغٕخ 5102


-ػطب ؽغٓ دسٚ٠ش ، ٚآخشْٚ )5119 :)االؽز١بعبد اٌزذس٠ج١خ اٌالصِخ

ٌّؼٍّٟ اإلؽ١بء اٌّشؽٍخ اٌضبٔٛ٠خ ثغضح فٟ ػٛء رم١١ ُاٌىفب٠بد اٌزذس٠غ١خ اٌالصِخ

ٌُٙ – ثؾش ِمذَ اٌٝ اٌّإرّش األٚي فٟ فٍغط١ ٓاٌّؼٍُ ث١ ٓاٌٛالغ ٚاٌّأِٛي –


،- اٌؼّ١شٞ ، ػط١خ )0999 :)أّٔٛرط ِمزشػ ٌزذس٠ت ِذ٠شٞ اٌّذاسط

اإلػذاد٠خ فٟ لطبع ػضح فٟ ػٛء اؽز١بعبد رذس٠ج١خ – سعبٌخ ِبعغز١ش غ١ش

ِٕشٛسح – وٍ١خ اٌزشث١خ – اٌغبِؼخ اإلعالِ١خ غضح .

-اٌؼغبط ، فٙذ اعٍ١ّبْ ، )5110 ،) رؾذ٠ذ االؽز١بعبد اٌزذس٠ج١خ ٌّذ٠ش

اٌّذاسط اٌؾىِٛ١خ فٟ ِؾبفظخ اٌمش٠بد ِٓ ٚعٙخ ٔظش اٌّذ٠ش٠ ٓأفغُٙ ،

سعبٌخ ِبعغز١ش غ١ش ِٕشٛسح ، وٍ١خ اٌزشث١خ، عبِؼخ اٌ١شِٛن اسثذ – االسدْ.

-ػج١ذ، عّبٔٗ ِؾّذ ) 5110 )اٌّؼٍُ – اػذادٖ ، رذس٠جٗ ، وفب٠برٗ – داس

طفبء ٌٍٕشش ٚاٌزٛص٠غ، ػّبْ – االسدْ.

-ػٛدح، اؽّذ عٍ١ّبْ، ٍِٚىبٚٞ، ِزؾٟ )0995 ،)اعبع١بد اٌجؾش

اٌؼٍّٟ، اسثذ، ِىزجخ وزبٟٔ.االسدْ.

-اٌفشا ، فبسٚق ؽّذٞ ، ) 0990 : )رمٛ٠ ُثشٔبِظ اٌّؼٍّ١ ٓأصٕبء

اٌخذِخ ثبٌزؼٍ١ ُاألعبعٟ فٟ لطبع غضح ، فٍغط١ِ ، ٓغٍخ عبِؼخ األص٘ش ٌٍؼٍَٛ

اإلٔغبٔ١خ، 0(5.)

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How to Cite

جبار ثاير جبار, “The training needs necessary to prepare the university teacher from their point of view”, jfath, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 1–21, Aug. 2023.