"Evaluating the trainee's Performance in Teaching English Language at the Primary Stage
Teaching English as a foreign language at the primary stage is a
form of communication by information and ideas from teachers pupils.
Teaching pupils English language means helping them to acquire the
foreign language skills.
The development of foreign language skills(reading ,writing,
listening and speaking)in the countries where English is taught as a
foreign language is considered one of the most important aims of any
language programme. There are many factors participate in foreign
language teaching/learning ;the learner (pupil) ,the text and English
language teacher.
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to language pedagogy Addison Wesly Longman.
Darwash A.Ali(2002),Rafidain English Course in iraq,teacher`s Guide
for fifth grade of the primary education stage.Al-Wifaq printing
Fisher,Edgene C (1955), A national Survey of Beginning Teacher.The
Beginning Teacher,New Yourk:Henry Holt Inc.
Guantlett J.O (1961),Teaching English As A foreign
Al-HamashI.Khalil &Younis Hamdi (1985),Principles and Techniques
of teaching English as a second language.Al-shaab Press,Baghdad.
Heaton J.O (1975), Writing English Language Test.London Longman
Group Limited
Issac,s&William G.Michael (1977),Handbook in Research and
Evaluation California:Edits publishers.
Mohammad M.&etal.(1989),Practical Coursein ELT methodology for
student teachers, Ministry of Education, Baghdad
Al-Mutawa N.&Kailani T.(1989),Methods of Teaching English to Arab
Al-Shayib &Al-Khafaji A.(2000),An Analysis of English language
primary school textbook in Iraq, Baghdad.
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كيفية الاقتباس
الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2009 مجلة الفتح للبحوث التربوية والنفسية

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