The degree of employing the mobile leaning applications to enhance deep learning skills among Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University students and their perspective


  • Safyah Saleh Aldayel جامعه الأميرة نورة بنت عبدالرحمن



: mobile learning apps, deep learning skills, students perspective’s, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman


The current study aims to identify the degree of employing mobile leaning apps to enhance deep learning skills among princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University students in Saudi Arabia. The research followed the descriptive  method, the sample consists (51) undergraduate students from education college which who register in the eLearning course in second semester in 2022 academic year. To achieve study aims, the researcher trained  the students on the processes to use Myu App in education activities and get the benefit of the app such as discussion and communication forum. To asses the students deep learning skills the researcher prepared questionnaire tool to measured the deep learning skills, consisting of four axes: seeking meaning, relating ideas,  use of evidence, and interest in ideas. In addition, the study tool were interviews which open ended questions to explore the student’s perception’s toward mobile learning apps. The results show the students have a high degree of employment of the mobile learning application for deep learning skills in four axes: seeking meaning, relating ideas, use of evidence, and interest in ideas. The interview results demonstrate that students generally reported: a positive attitude regarding the use of mobile learning app (MyU) , the students’ performance was better and their learning skills, interaction improved as well as their confidence increased


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How to Cite

صفيه صالح الدايل, “The degree of employing the mobile leaning applications to enhance deep learning skills among Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University students and their perspective”, jfath, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 206–241, Aug. 2023.