Adaptive cognitive schemas and their relationship to the personal space of students without a father and their normal peers in the middle school (a comparative study)


  • Selvana Faris Khudhur University of Mosul / College of Education for Humanities
  • nada fattah alabaji University of Mosul / College of Education for Humanities



Charts. Adaptive Cognitive Schematics. Personal space. The field


The current research aims to identify the differences in the non-adaptive cognitive schemas and the personal space between the fatherless students and their normal peers in general. The researcher used several samples for the purposes of measuring scales and statistical analysis. The sample was a stratified random sample (400) male and female students from secondary and middle schools in the Hamdaniya District Center.  The researcher adopted the scale, Jeffrey Young, translated by (Hadi, 2019), and the researcher carried out the procedures of honesty and calculating the discrimination of the paragraphs. She also calculated the stability on the sample consisting of (45) male and female students, and in the end she obtained (65) items for the non-adaptive cognitive schemas scale after deleting  (10) paragraphs, and as for the personal space scale, the researcher built it according to the steps of building the scale and in terms of formulating the paragraphs, extracting their apparent validity and calculating the discriminatory strength of the paragraphs and constructive honesty.  From (116) male and female students, which are distributed among (58) male and female students of the missing father and (58) male and female students from the normal, and comparisons were made between the two research samples by using the t-test for two independent samples, and the results were obtained

  1. The results showed that there are statistically significant differences in favor of the missing father in the arithmetic averages on the non-adaptive cognitive schemas scale.
  2. The results showed between the missing and normal sample individuals that there are statistically significant differences in favor of the missing father in the arithmetic averages on the personal space scale.

       Through the results, the researcher concludes that the students who are missing the father of the non-adaptive cognitive schemas are at an average level, meaning that they fall within the normal level.  That is, the loss of the father did not negatively affect their plans.  The researcher also presented a number of

 recommendations: The middle school teacher should be a role model for ordinary students who have lost their father, directing them on a permanent basis, and monitoring their plans without turning them into neurotic, non-adaptive cognitive schemes.  The educational counselor should take his role in solving students' problems related to non-adaptive cognitive schemas and the personal space.  To complete the current study, the researcher suggests the following: Conducting a study on non-adaptive cognitive schemas and their relationship (self-confidence, ego strength, achievement).


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How to Cite

سلفانا فارس خضر and ندى العباجي, “Adaptive cognitive schemas and their relationship to the personal space of students without a father and their normal peers in the middle school (a comparative study) ”, jfath, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 18–48, Sep. 2023.