The Impact of Aesthetic and Sport Start on the Achievement and Attitude to words Critical Thinking for Second –Year Interuediate School of Mathematics


  • Nasser Obaid Ibrahim Jassim Al Hiti General Directorate of Education – Al –Anbair


Aesthetic and Sport Start, Achievement, Attitude


The current study aims at investigating the effect of using the mathematical beauty approach on the achievement of the 2nd intermediate grade students and their critical thinking dispositions. Therefore, a semi- experimental approach was used to investigate the effect. The total population consists of (62) female students divided into two equivalent groups; each one consists of (31) students to represent the experimental and the control groups of the study.

        The instruments used in this study were an achievement test which was developed by the researcher and administered for the two groups and the critical thinking dispositions scale adopted by him. Based on the positive study results in favor of the Experimental Group, the study results showed that the mathematical beauty approach had a positive impact on the students' achievement and critical thinking dispositions. In the light of the positive results, some recommendations are put forward.



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How to Cite

ناصر عبيد ابراهيم جاسم الهيتي, “The Impact of Aesthetic and Sport Start on the Achievement and Attitude to words Critical Thinking for Second –Year Interuediate School of Mathematics”, jfath, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 101–127, Aug. 2023.