الحكايات الشعبية والخرافية في أدب الأطفال كما توضحها سندريلا وليتل سنو وايت
At a time when many of our children are over-scheduled and over-stressed , we must ask ourselves what roles literature can play in their lives ? For many years , modern realistic fiction has been considered the most popular genre among young readers , perhaps because it was closer to the lives they know and , therefore , easier to read . such realistic fiction whether regional or historical provides opportunities for people to live vicariously in times and places they cannot experience any other way . Yet , sometimes many of the classic stories for children exist in the realm of fancy because of the timeless quality of such tales . Things that are most real in life can best be conveyed through fancy . Those who care about children and their literature have an obligation to inform themselves of the best and the latest thinking about the constellation of topics that will enable them to bring the two together most successfully . Writers usually believe in the vision of peace we offer our children insisting that violence , a brutal expediency and war are inevitable to get maturity . Apparently , it seems that it is nice to talk to children , to sing to them and to write fancy books feeding their imagination with dreaming tales of their futurely lives . Children want to feel some good tales to enhance highest ideals and purest dreams , then we expect our children to outgrow what we have taught them
_Holman , C.Hugh , A Handbook to Literature . 4th ed . Indiana : The
Bobbs-Merrill Company , Inc., 1980
_(WWW. Ashliman , D.L. com / Ashliman's Folktexts : Snow White .
_(WWW. Antelope-Ebook .com /Cinderella )
_(WWW. Antelope Publishing . com / Ongoing Tales : Old Time Fairy
Tales . Little Snow White )
_(WWW. Hastings , Waller .com / Cinderella htm )
_(WWW. Hastings , Waller . com / Defining the Fairy Tales . htm )
_(WWW. Merriam-Webester Online .com /WishFaery . htm )
_(WWW. New York Folklore Society . com / What is Folklore . htm )
_(WWW. Surlalunefairytales . com / The Annotated Cinderella )
_(WWW. Vandergrift , Kay E .com / Snow White Criticism Page. htm )
كيفية الاقتباس
الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2023 Luma Ibrahim Al-Barazenji

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