The Effectiveness of a Brief Counseling Program Based on Gratitude to Increase Positive Thinking in a Sample of Female Students of Education Faculty at King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia


  • Boshra Ismail Ahmed Arnout Professor of Counseling Psychology Faculty of Education, King Khalid University Faculty of Arts, Zagazig University
  • Khadija Aboud Al Maadi Assistant Professor of Counseling Psychology Faculty of Education, King Khalid University
  • Fatmah Yahya Hassan Al- qadimi Assistant Professor of Counseling Psychology Faculty of Education, King Khalid University



Counseling Program, Brief Counseling, Gratitude interventions, positive thinking


This study aimed to design a brief counseling program based on gratitude to increase positive thinking, and to verify the effectiveness of this program, and also to identify the continuity of the impact of this program through the results of follow-up measurement after a month to apply the program. The research sample consisted of (32) female students of education faculty  at King Khalid university, their ages ranged between (18-20)years, with an average of  age (18.81) year and a standard deviation of (0.64) randomly assigned in two groups experimental and control, each group consisting of (16) persons. Researchers applied Demographic data form, gratitude scale, positive thinking scale and brief counseling Program Based on gratitude( consisted of eight sessions), all these tools are prepared by the researchers. The results of the study showed that there were statistically significant differences at (0.01) between the average control and experimental groups in the post-measurement of gratitude and positive thinking in favor of the experimental group members, and there were statistically significant differences at the level of (0.01) between pre and post measurement in gratitude and positive thinking of the experimental group in favor of the post-measurement, in addition to there were no statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the experimental group in the post and follow-up measurement in gratitude and positive thinking. The results were explained in light of the theoretical framework and the results of previous studies. The researchers also made a number of recommendations.



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How to Cite

بشرى إسماعيل أحمد أرنوط, خديجة عبود آل معدي, and فاطمة يحى حسن القديمي, “The Effectiveness of a Brief Counseling Program Based on Gratitude to Increase Positive Thinking in a Sample of Female Students of Education Faculty at King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia”, jfath, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 66–101, Aug. 2023.