تحديد الطيف الدقيق للمخدرات
The drug desferrioxamine mesylate (DFOM) forms with vanadium (v) a colored chelate (λ max = 460 nm) complex at pH – range (1- 1.34 ) which is extractable with Benzyl alcohol as organic solvent . Under the appropriate experimental conditions a calibration plot was set up from which some analytical parameters were derived and deduced by regression .Standard additions procedure was also adopted .It has been estimated that the concentration of the drug DFOM to be 487.6 mg per unit and 485.1 mg per unit for both calibrations. Under optimal conditions, the developed method has been achieved the following characteristics: LDR (2.0 – 275 μ g ml -1) DFOM, RSD % (0.3- 0.45), sandell sensitivity (0.158 μ g. cm-2), LOD (0.5 μ g ml -1), recovery %(101.466 ± 0.763), Erel %(1.466). stability constant ( 2.1x 107 M -1).The mole – ratio method ( 1:1) approved that DFOM V (v) as a structure of the complex. The developed procedure has been adapted to analyze DFOM in various pharmaceutical
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كيفية الاقتباس
الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2023 Fadhil Jasim، Zuhair AA.Khammas، Ashraf .S. AL-Ayash

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