The Impact of Davies and Presley Model in the Attainment of Fifth-Grade Biology Students in the Material of Arabic Grammar


  • Khalid Najee Ahmed General Directorate of Education / Diyala



Davies and Presley, Attainment of Grammar.


  English translation.      The research aims to identify “The Impact of Davies and Presley Model in the Attainment of Fifth-Grade Biology Students in the Material of Arabic Grammar”, according to the objectives of the research following null hypotheses were formulated:

English translation. 

English translation. 

There are no statistically significant difference at the level of (0.05) between the average grades of first experimental group students studying material of grammar using Davis model and the students of the control group who study the same material using the traditional way in the attainment of material of grammar.

There are no statistically significant difference at the level (0.05) between the average grades of the second experimental group students studying the material of grammar using Presley model and the students of the control group who study the same material using the traditional way in the attainment of material of grammar.

There are no statistically significant difference at the level (0.05) between the average grades of the first experimental group students studying the material of grammar using Davis model and the students of the second experimental group who study the same material using he Presley model in the attainment of material of grammar.

English translation. 

    The research sample consisted of (96 students)  divided into three groups with the amount of (32 students) in each section,  where section (A) represents the first experimental group studying according to Davis model, section (B) represents the second experimental group studying according to Press model, and section (C) represents the control group studying according to the traditional way. The researcher equaled between the three groups, and identified the scientific material and formulating behavioral goals and then prepared teaching plans, and an attainment post-test in the material of Arabic grammar containing (32 items) of multiple choice question type. Then the researcher applied the post-test in its final form on the research sample. The results were shown after being processed statistically using the analysis of unilateral contrast, Method of Chevy, and equation of the size of the impact ETA square). The results showed the presence of a statistically significant difference at the level of significance (0.05) between the averages of the grades of the three experimental  groups and control group, for the favour of the students of the first experimental group who studied the material of grammar using Davis model. At the end of the experiment the researcher came out with conclusions, recommendations, and suggestions and recommended to use the model in teaching.

Keywords: Davies and Presley, Attainment of Grammar.



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How to Cite

خالد ناجي احمد, “The Impact of Davies and Presley Model in the Attainment of Fifth-Grade Biology Students in the Material of Arabic Grammar”, jfath, vol. 24, no. 3, p. 378_407, Jul. 2023.