Analysis of Administrative Techniques of Sports Activities Managers in Diyala Colleges


  • Auday Karim Rahman Al Ameri College of Basic Education / University of Diyala



Administrative Techniques


This research was carried out on managers of sports activities in colleges of sports activities department in Diyala University. The aim of this study is to evaluate the administrative performances of the managers and the extent of the administration role in the implementation of activities within the college. In this study, the sample and the method of this study were determined. A descriptive approach was used through a survey method to fit with the nature of the problem. The sample of the study consisted of 22 directors, as those participants were chosen in order and in the non-random method. The questionnaires that were distributed to the managers consisted of four areas and 30 paragraphs in the field of administration. The questionnaire was reliable because it was tested in a previous study where it was applied to a sample of directors similar to the sample of this study. The questionnaires were collected and were analyzed statistically. The result of this study showed that there are statistical differences in the responses of the participants. The results showed that the managers have an operational and administrative role for the administration elements that is more suitable for their work and activities, and according to management plans that lead them to the top levels. The result also shows that the managers are keen to implement a successful administration that is characterized by planning, organization, leadership and guidance to ensure their success and achieving the best results.                                                                    



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How to Cite

عدي كريم رحمان العامري, “Analysis of Administrative Techniques of Sports Activities Managers in Diyala Colleges”, jfath, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 73–88, Aug. 2023.