عزل بكتريا cholerae Vibrio وتشخيص أنماطها الحيوية والمصلية وتحت المصلية من المرضى باستخدام E 20 Api والطريقة السريعة 20 Rapid . E
AbstractThis study was conducted to detect sertypes and subserotype of V.cholerae isolates causing cholera as one of the most epidemiological dengerous and wide spread disease in the world, chronic cases of such disease when untreated fastly lead to the death of patients. For this purpose (265) fecal samples were collected from patients suffered of watery diarrhea (cholera) in (11) governarates of Iraq for the period from April to November 2000. Api 20 E and Rapid 20 E Kits systems were used for bacterial identification. In addition to that sertyping have been also used to detect the serotype and subserotype of polyvalent (01) and monovalent (Ogawa and Inaba). Some biochemical tests were applied to investigate whether the isolates belonged to the results showed biotype Eltor or Classical biotype that (212) isolates were obtaned, (149) of them belonged to endemic biotype (01), (87) to Ogawa, (62) to Inaba and (63) were Non-01 types of Vibrio chloerae.
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