Self-management and its relationship with the patterns of classroom discipline to the teachers of primary schools


  • Mohammed Kadhem Jassim Al-Jizani College of Basic Education- Mustansiriya University
  • Nadhima Ahmed Al Jaf AL-Qalam University College



Self management, classroom discipline


             In light of the great challenges facing the educational and administrative process and with the presence of continuous and successive changes that accompanied the regulations and administrative practices in the administrative field, including organizations and educational institutions, had to be the emergence of modern management concepts interact with those changes and keep pace with developments that must be against which efforts are being made and work, provide access to the development and improvement of these processes and to ensure the success of the administrative work in general and in particular classroom and achieve the desired goals of the institution, It has emerged from within the administrative concepts of modern concept of self-management, a management focused on pre-operations planning, organizing and controlling and directing, and carry multiple skills, including all aspects of the educational and administrative process, the concept of self-management of modern concepts that play a vital role in regulating the life of the individual properly and appointed To deal with the community in which he lives and this concept is more productive in the ability of the individual to strengthen and strengthen itself, and this means that the skill of self-management is an important factor which helps to succeed. Class discipline is a very important process and it is an essential part of the teacher's work and job as well as the educational process. Class discipline includes a set of complex behaviors that are used to develop an appropriate environment in the classroom, helping to achieve some effective learning. Hence discipline and education go hand in hand. Class discipline is imperative to do good work in learning and teaching.  The current research aims to identify the correlative relationship between self-management and patterns of classroom control among teachers and teachers of the primary stage. To achieve this goal, the researchers adopted two measures. The first was a measure of self-management concept consisting of (40) distributed on five areas, The second was adopted (Harahsheh scale Khawaldeh 2009) To measure the concept of patterns of classroom discipline, which consists of 35 items distributed in three areas, After ascertaining of the psychometric characteristics of the two scales (honesty, consistency, and discriminatory signs), the researchers have applied them to the sample of the study which consisted of (200) teachers (Males &females) enrolled in primary schools Of the Directorate General of Education Baghdad / Karkh third year of the academic year 2017-2018, and after processing data using the appropriate statistical means, the following results were obtained :                                           

The level of self-management is average, and there were statistically significant differences between the mean responses of the sample members on the scale of the patterns of class control where it was found that the two types  (Guidance and Preventive) are prevalent in female schools while the treatment pattern prevails in male schools, and there is a significant correlation between self-management and patterns of classroom discipline to primary school teachers. In conclusion, the researchers presented a number of recommendations and future proposals to complete the current research levels



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How to Cite

محمد كاظم جاسم الجيزاني and نظيمة احمد الجاف, “Self-management and its relationship with the patterns of classroom discipline to the teachers of primary schools”, jfath, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 1–37, Aug. 2023.