Emotional blackmail among middle school students


  • Anwar Majeed Hadi مديرية تربية الرصافة




Keyword : Emotional blackmail


Summary of the research

Emotional blackmail "is a pattern of negative interaction, unfair and unannounced competition, to harm the other party using the Cold War method, directly or indirectly, to degrade, humiliate, shake self-confidence, and detract from it in front of others."

Research objectives The current research aims to:

1 - Identifying emotional blackmail among intermediate school students.

2 - Statistically significant differences in emotional blackmail, according to the grade variable (first, second, and third) among middle school students.

Research procedures In order to achieve the objectives of the current research, the researcher used the descriptive approach to reach the results. The emotional blackmail scale was built, which was subject to honesty and stability, and the spss statistical program was used to reach the results, and they were as follows: - 1 - The presence of emotional blackmail among the students of the first, second and third stages.

2 - There are no statistically significant differences according to the grade variable for the first, second and third stages, and that emotional blackmail is present at the same level for the three academic stages.

Conclusions: - The researcher concluded during the current research that parents who avoid violence in guiding their children resort to the method of emotional blackmail in education excessively and move away from the method of discussion to solve problems, which negatively affects the education of children in the future to become blackmailers to others as well.

Recommendations Based on the results of the current research, the researcher recommends the following. -

1- Emphasizing the need to spread a culture of tolerance and brotherhood among female students through counseling programs that educational counselors conduct in schools.

2 - Increasing parents' awareness of following up on their daughters and confronting the phenomenon of extortion that exists among some female students, and cooperating with the educational counselor to achieve this.

Proposals - Carrying out similar studies for other stages in primary and preparatory schools for both sexes.


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How to Cite

أنوار مجيد هادي, “Emotional blackmail among middle school students”, jfath, vol. 24, no. 1, p. 214-, Jul. 2023.