Publication Ethics

"Ethics of publishing in Al-Fath Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences

The College of Basic Education at Diyala University is responsible for publishing Al-Fath Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences. The journal aims to provide equal opportunities for all researchers, as scientific research is accepted based on its intellectual content, regardless of the gender, ideas, ethnic origins, nationalities, or political philosophies of the authors. The journal views the commitment to professional publishing ethics as of utmost importance that researchers, scientific reviewers, and editors should consider as their top priority.

The following statement outlines the scientific publishing ethics specific to the journal, including ethical regulations and systems for the editor-in-chief, editorial board members, reviewers, and researchers. It aligns with the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the requirements of the Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement.

Editor-in-Chief: The editor-in-chief of the journal, in collaboration with the editorial board and experts outside the board, is responsible for selecting appropriate reviewers based on the subject matter and scientific expertise with complete confidentiality.

Journal Editorial Board Members: The journal has an editorial board whose members have experience and knowledge in their areas of expertise. Their names and places of work are fully published on the journal's website, and their duties include:

- Working with the editor-in-chief to improve the journal's vision.
- Selecting appropriate reviewers for research submitted for evaluation.
- Maintaining confidentiality of the evaluation process and information provided by reviewers."

Please make sure to adhere to high professional and ethical standards in your research, ensuring the accuracy of the results and presenting them without fabrication or distortion.
The names of all participating researchers should be listed according to their contribution weight.
Proper reference should be made to the researches cited in the study.
The research should be reviewed according to the reviewers' suggestions, and if the proposed modifications are not accepted, a logical justification should be provided.
The journal evaluates the research by three specialized reviewers, and deals with their names and reports with complete confidentiality.
Reviewers should exercise objectivity in their judgments and conclusions, and be aware of the absence of plagiarism or literary theft in the research.


The journal considers plagiarism or literary theft to be an unethical behavior in the field of research and scientific publishing, and therefore rejects it in all its forms. This is in line with the clear policy of the University of Baghdad regarding unethical practices or misconduct in research and publishing, which entails the following:

Researchers must submit original and non-plagiarized work (except for research papers of postgraduate students that are taken from their dissertations), and they must adhere to citation rules, documentation, and publishing ethics.

All research submitted for publication in the journal is subject to the use of appropriate anti-plagiarism software (Turnitin) to check for similarities between submitted research and published research.

Accuracy must be exercised in documenting and correctly citing references and sources used.

The journal has the right to take all necessary measures against those who violate the ethical principles of scientific research and its rules.

Duplication of research submitted to the journal:

Researchers must not submit work that has been previously published in other journals. They must also not submit their research to more than one journal at a time, as this is considered unacceptable behavior by the journal and contrary to the ethics of research and publishing.

Researchers are allowed to publish their research in other journals only after receiving an official rejection from the journal or if the journal has officially agreed to withdraw their submitted research.

Publishing ethics:

The journal takes practical steps to prevent the publication of research that involves violations related to research conduct. In any case, the journal does not allow such behavior.


Copyright is transferred to the journal upon notification of the researcher's acceptance of their research submitted for publication in the journal.

Archiving: The journal retains paper copies and electronic archives of issues published.

Write a written pledge after it with the researcher (the pledge)