The effectiveness of educational games in the achievement of second intermediate grade students and the development of their attitudes towards chemistry


  • Hayam Gaeeb Hussein Teachers Training Institute
  • Wafaa Abdul Razzaq Abbas College of Basic Education / University of Diyala



The effectiveness of educational games in the achievement of second intermediate grade students and the development of their attitudes towards chemistry


-Victory Edward "Science for he elementary Schods"3rdedition,Mac Millan puplishing company. Inc.New york, 1975 28- Groulund, Nor Man E,Measur Mend and Evaluation in teaching Macmillan co , New york ,New york , 1965 29- Glass .Gene v. and others " Statistical Methods in Education and psychology "New York, 2nd, Englewood cliffs prentice- ltall Inc, 1970



How to Cite

هيام غائب حسين and وفاء عبد الرزاق عباس, “The effectiveness of educational games in the achievement of second intermediate grade students and the development of their attitudes towards chemistry”, jfath, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 1–28, Jun. 2009.