The effect of the strategy of gradual activities and psychological resilience on learning the skills of tapping and shooting in basketball


  • Hassanein Naji Hussein كلية التربية الاساسية / جامعة ديالى
  • Mutasim Billah Wahyab Mahdi كلية التربية الاساسية / جامعة ديالى
  • Hadeel Yahya Muhammad كلية التربية الاساسية / جامعة ديالى



strategy - activities - graded - resilience - psychological - skill - drumming - shooting


The study aimed to identify the effect of the strategy of gradual activities and psychological resilience in learning the skills of the basketball and shooting, and the researcher assumed that there is a statistical significance of the strategy of the gradual activities and psychological resilience in learning the skills of the basketball and shooting in favor of the experimental group , It also assumed that there are statistically significant differences between the post-tests of the experimental and control groups in psychological stress and its impact on the strategy of gradual activities in the performance of the skills of tapping and shooting in basketball. The study, as for the study sample, a sample of applying the psychological stress scale was chosen from the students of Umm Salamah middle school, which numbered (124) students. for each group, And then the researcher adopted the psychological stress scale prepared by (by Muhammad Abdullah Ashour , 2017), which consisted of (34) paragraphs, and then the researcher prepared educational units with the strategy of tiered activities, and she reached the most important conclusions, which is that the tiered activities strategy gave the opportunity to activate the students And an explanation of their role, as well as giving the school more time to observe the students when performing the skill of tacking and shooting peacefully in basketball for the experimental group. The researcher recommends conducting studies similar to the current study in which psychological stress is taking place and its impact on the strategy of gradual activities in the performance of the skills of tacking and shooting with basketball for students, since the current study achieved distinguished results. ,


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How to Cite

حسنين ناجي حسين, المعتصم بالله وهيب, and هديل يحيى محمد, “The effect of the strategy of gradual activities and psychological resilience on learning the skills of tapping and shooting in basketball”, jfath, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 132–150, Jun. 2023.