The Scientific and Educational Role of Curriculum Theatre in School Theatric Performances


  • Halla Abd Al Hussein مديرية تربية ديالى


school theatre


Educational experiences as well as research and studies in the field of education have confirmed the depth of the relationship between art and (education) and their association with interactive results in a framework of mutual influence. Daly Roger refers to the relationship between art and education in emphasizing that the artist and educator work in the same context, although they do not follow the same path, they aim to collect knowledge and work to guide students, and naturally find theatrical activity a place within the school activities. The school and the society complement each other and seek to serve and inform the students. In accordance with this integrative relationship, art derives from the principles and values of social education and intellectual (and educational) goals. In addition, education has found itself compelled to resort to "fine arts" and to use them as technical means (educational). The use of educational television, educational songs and means of illustration as well as the school theater, which has become an important artistic activity within educational institutions The school theater in modern education was considered an educational activity complementing the book and other activities in the school as well as a method of presenting the school curriculum (Harf, 2008: 12) through one of its arts which is school theatre. As the school theater is a form of art in which the actors translate a written text into a representative presentation on stage before an audience of students and the theater needs to lead his message to the scriptural text capable of portraying the educational experience (Alian and Muhammad, 2003, p. 186) Here lies the problem of research, which is the ability of the school theater in one of its arts, which is the curriculum for the delivery of scientific and educational content to students in an easy and enjoyable way.

On this basis, this research, which includes four sections. Section one  is based on the problem of research, which is summarized in the following question. What is the art of the curriculum and what are the justifications for using it in the school theater? The section also included the importance of research, which lies in the role of theatrical dramas in communicating the scientific and educational concepts of students through the school stage. The researcher also identified the goal of the research is to be  identify by the mechanism of employing the curriculum in the theater performances in the school to highlight the scientific and educational function. The second section  clarifies the concept of the curriculum syllabus and what are the conditions that must be provided in the preparation of theatrical play by using the curriculum, as well as what are the criteria for choosing the educational play and how to prepare a school drama and what kinds of plays can be provided by the school theater by using the curriculum and also addressed by the researcher that problem of the text used in the school theater. The third section deals with the presentation of the research procedures and includes a description of the original research community, which included (6) plays for primary school students and research samples, (3) sample and method of analysis of these plays, namely the play (planets) and the play (cell) ), The play (the water cycle), the play (chemical elements) and the play (plants make their own food). The researcher adopted theoretical framework indicators in the analysis of research samples. In the fourth chapter, the researcher came out with a number of results indicating that the curriculum theatre contains a number of scientific and educational concepts and their impact on students' behavior. And reached a set of conclusions and summarized by several points and then suggestions and recommendations that it deems necessary, and conclude the section with a list of sources used to complete this stud



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How to Cite

حلا عبد الحسين ناصر, “The Scientific and Educational Role of Curriculum Theatre in School Theatric Performances ”, jfath, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 341–364, Aug. 2023.