The analysis of exercises included in the Arabic language book for the second grade is average according to Bloom's knowledge classification


  • saif Sa'ad Mahmood Azeez مديرية تربيـة ديــالى



analysis, exercises included


The aim of the research was to analyze the exercises included in the Arabic language book for the second grade (the first and second part) according to Bloom's knowledge classification. To achieve the research objective, the researcher formulated the following research questions:

1- What percentage of knowledge level of exercises included in the Arabic language book for the second grade and according to the average part.

2-What percentage of the level of understanding of the exercises included in the Arabic language book for the second grade is average and according to the part.

3-What percentage of the level of application of exercises included in the Arabic language book for the second grade is average and according to the part.

4-What percentage of the level of analysis of exercises included in the Arabic language book for the second grade is average and according to the part.

5-What percentage of the level of composition of the exercises included in the Arabic language book for the second grade and according to the average part.

6 - What percentage of the level of evaluation of exercises included in the Arabic language book for the second grade and according to the average part.

The current research is set for the academic year 2017/2018. In the Arabic language book for the second intermediate grade (the first part and the second part), which is taught in the Republic of Iraq (i, 2017), the researcher chose the methodology of content analysis, The researcher prepared the only research tool needed for the analysis process: (the form of analysis of the exercises involved) and after confirmation of the characteristics of the psychometric, the tool became ready for application and within the time limits of the research completed the researcher analysis The The exercises included in the Arabic language book for the second grade are average according to Bloom's knowledge classification. The frequencies and percentages of each level of the Bloom classification of each educational unit were then calculated according to the parts of the book, which were detailed in Chapter 4. The researcher also extracted the frequencies and percentages of each level Bloom's Cognitive Classification The order of these levels in the analysis process came as follows: "Application, Understanding, Knowledge Analysis, Composition, Calendar" The researcher also reached a set



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How to Cite

سيف سعد محمود عزيز, “The analysis of exercises included in the Arabic language book for the second grade is average according to Bloom’s knowledge classification”, jfath, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 59–79, Aug. 2023.