The persecutory character and its relationship with dogmatism among university students


  • Talal Ghalib Alwan جامعة جرمو / كلية التربية واللغات



The persecutory character


The present study aimed to:

1-The persecuted character is known to the university students

2-Known dogmatism for university students.

3- The statistically significant differences in the persecuted character are defined according to the gender and specialization variable

4-Know the statistically significant differences in dogmatism according to the variable of gender and specialization

5-   Know the correlation between persecutory and dogmatism   

A sample consisted of 250 male and female students who were chosen in the random method. The persecution personality measure consisting of (56) items was applied. The researcher used the second variable, the dogmatism scale consisting of (40) items. Statistical methods were used to analyze data, including the T-test for one sample and the T-test for two independent samples and a correlation coefficient . Pearson


The results showed that the research sample is characterized by persecuting personality and they do not have dogmatism. The results of the research showed that there are no statistically significant differences according to the gender and specialization variable, but I found that there is a correlation relationship between the persecutory and dogmatical personality, and through these results a number of recommendations and proposals were reached.



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How to Cite

طلل غالب علوان, “The persecutory character and its relationship with dogmatism among university students”, jfath, vol. 24, no. 4, p. 288_311, Jul. 2023.