Measurement of suicidal ideation in adolescents


  • Hanan Shehab Obaid Jubouri Al-Saadi University of Baghdad- College of Literature



Keywords :Measure, suicidal thinking, adolescents


The current research aims to measure suicidal thinking among a sample of middle school students in the Baghdad governorate on both sides of Karkh and Rusafa. Scientific studies and research indicate that suicidal thinking is a complex process that can then be imagined as a reality connected to a latent force that includes the perception of suicide, then suicidal contemplations, followed by suicide attempt, and finally completion. attempt suicide. The current research sample consisted of (100) male and female students, with (50)A student from boys' schools on both sides of Karkh and Rusafa and (50) students from girls' schools on both sides of Karkh and Rusafa. A measure of suicidal thinking was applied to them prepared by the researcher in this research. for one sample and the t-test for two independent samples. The results of the research indicated that the research sample is characterized by suicidal thinking, which is statistically significant at the level (0.05). The results indicated that the male sample does not differ from the female sample in suicidal thinking.


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How to Cite

حنان شهاب عبيد جبوري الساعدي, “Measurement of suicidal ideation in adolescents”, jfath, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 278–395, Jul. 2023.