Emotional divorce among different social segments in Iraqi society


  • Boshra Anad Mubarak كلية التربية الاساسية/جامعة ديالى
  • Wafa كلية التربية الاساسية/جامعة ديالى


This paper deals with sentimental divorce among various social
classes in the Iraqi society, thus the researchers labored to recognize
the sentimental divorce phenomenon among various classes and
ranks of the Iraqi society via identifying the most apparent negative
sides that lead to sentimental divorce. The researchers set a
questionnaire of (44) items in its final format which is applied on a
sample of married males and females (employed, not employed)
with a total number of (200) persons.
The study aims at:
1. Identifying the level of sentimental divorce within the sample
of the study.
2. Knowing the level of sentimental divorce among different
statuses in the Iraqi society according to gender variable.
3. Recognizing the level of sentimental divorce among various
social ranks in the Iraqi society according to the work variable
(employed, not employed).
4. Identifying the level of sentimental divorce among numerous
social classes in the Iraqi society according to the number of family
members (less than three, four and more).
The researchers concluded that the sentimental divorce phenomenon
is more recurrent among working persons than with jobless persons.
Therefore, the researchers recommend the following:
1.Conducting seminars or cultural debates concerning the
phenomenon of sentimental divorce and its effect on the society.
2.Assisting working persons in solving their administrative and
working problems so as not to negatively influence them and their
families in turn.
The researchers suggest the following:
1.Setting a similar study on other social groups not dealt with in the
present paper.


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How to Cite

بشرى عناد مبارك and وفاء صبري نزال, “Emotional divorce among different social segments in Iraqi society”, jfath, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 1–29, Aug. 2023.