Axial thinking skills and their relationship to academic achievement in mathematics for fourth year middle school students


  • taghrid khudir hadhal Mustansiriya University / College of Basic Education



Pivotal Thinking, Academic Achievement


The current research aims to identify the extent to which female students in the fourth preparatory year have the skills of pivotal thinking and its relationship to academic achievement. To achieve the goal of the research, and test its hypotheses, the researcher used the descriptive research method and the researcher prepared a test to measure pivotal thinking skills. It consisted of (30) items distributed on pivotal thinking skills, which are: ( Focus skills, information gathering skill, memory skill, information organization skill, analysis skill, generation skill, integration skill, evaluation skill) were achieved.The researcher confirmed the validity of the test with a stability of (87%), and the researcher prepared a test in mathematics to measure academic achievement, consisting of (30) items that dealt with multiple choice, and its reliability value was (89%), and after applying the test to the research sample consisting of (150) students Of the fourth year middle school students, the data was processed statistically, and the researcher reached the following results:

Fourth year middle school students (the research sample) possess pivotal thinking skills in mathematics at a good level.
Fourth year middle school students (the research sample) have academic achievement in mathematics.
There is a direct relationship between pivotal thinking skills and academic achievement in mathematics.


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How to Cite

تغريد خضير هذال, “Axial thinking skills and their relationship to academic achievement in mathematics for fourth year middle school students”, jfath, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 460–477, Jul. 2023.