A linguistic reading in the book Al-Amali by Abi Ali Al-Qali (356 AH)
He is Ismail bin Al-Qasim bin Maidhun bin Harun bin Isa bin Muhammad (). He was born in the year (280 A.H.) in the town of (Malaz Jard) located in Armenia. He left for Baghdad in the year (305 A.H.) during the days of Caliph Al-Muqtadir. And one of the most prominent manifestations of knowledge in it was Baghdad, the arena of the grammatical struggle between the Basrans and the Kufans, which gave the opportunity for Abu Ali to take from the two schools, although most sources mentioned that he was intolerant to the Basrans (). And he was not satisfied with that, but he took from the most famous scholars of the readings on the authority of Ibn Mujahid (324 AH), so he takes his book on the seven readings from him and reads the Qur’an to him according to the reading of Abu Amr bin Al-Alaa Al-Basri. radiator
المصـادر .
١ .الامالي/ ابو علي اسماعيل بن القاسم القالي/ دار الكتب العلمية ـ بيروت د ـ ت.
٢ .انب اه ال رواة عل ى انب اه النح اة / جم ال ال دين اب و الح سن عل ي ب ن يوس ف القفط ي ـ ت ـ
محمد ابو الفضل القاهرة ١٩٥٠ .
٣ .البارع في اللغة / ابو علي اسماعيل القالي ت . أ . س فلتن ١٩٣٣ .
٤ .بغي ة الوع اة ف ي طبق ات اللغ ويين والنح اة / ج لال ال دين عب دالرحمن ال سيوطي الق اهرة
٥ .طبقات النحويين واللغويين / ابو بكر محمد بن الحسن الزبي دي ـ ت ـ محم د اب و الف ضل
القاهرة ١٩٥٤ .
٦ .مصادر الت راث العرب ي ف ي اللغ ة والمع اجم والادب والت راجم د ـ عم ر ال دقاق ـ مكتب ة
دار الشرق ـ بيروت ١٩٧٢ .
٧ .معجم الادباء / شهاب الدين ياقوت الحموي الرومي ـ مكتبة عيسى البابي ١٩٣٨ .
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