The role of socialization and the components of the Kurdish local culture in establishing the concept of gender perception
The paper focuses on the role of social education and Kurdish local
cultural aspects in enhancing the Jandari perception through
emphasizing the role of family education and the customs and
traditions being cultural aspects which have their effect on
rebequeathing the relationship between the two sexes in the field of
prestige, rights and responsibilities.
The problem of the study can be worded as : what is the role of
family education and Kurdish local cultural aspects in enhancing or
not the Jandari perception for Sulaymaniya university students ?
The researchers used the questionnaire as an instrument for
collecting data through the responses of the sample on the questions.
The questionnaire included 10 questions related the subject under
study. The researchers chose a sample purposively from the secondyear students of the department of Kurdish language and the
department of Sociology in the college of Languages and
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