تغير القيم الجمالية لدى طلبة كلية الفنون الجميلة - جامعة ديالى


  • Maan جامعة ديالى _ كلية الفنون الجميلة _ قسم التربية الفنية
  • Aber معهد الفنون الجميلة _ ديالى


The problem of the current research entitled (Aesthetic Values
Variation among Students of College of Fine Arts at University of
Diyala) is determined to identifying the level of aesthetic values
variation according to three aesthetics ranges derived from
(educational-scientific domains), (Psychic-Subjective domains) and
(social – environmental domains), among students at University of
Diyala/ College of Fine Arts, after their accessing into scientific and
Fine Arts knowledge spaces in the specialty of art education and by
measuring the changing in these values according to the lead,
cognitive and aesthetic during their college years. The research has
identified two aims:
1- Identifying the level of aesthetic values variation among
students of Art Education department - College of Fine Arts -
University of Diyala.
2- Designing a tool to measure the level of aesthetic values
variation among students among students of Art Education
department - College of Fine Arts - University of Diyala.
In action research, the study applied to the sample after
achieving several stages, including the stage of preparation ,
designing research tools and the procedure of research tool validity
and reliability (prepared by the researchers), which specialized with
aesthetic values and it consists of (24) items on the two samples, one
of them is pilot study includes (160) students from the Department
of Art Education - University of Baghdad, and the original one
which consists (120) students from the Department of Art Education
in the College of Fine Arts – Diyala.


- أرٛ ٘الي،حكّي،) 0664 "،)حٌظَر١ش ٚحٌظيٍؽ حالؿظّخػٟ فٟ ػٍُ حالؿظّخع

حٌظَرٛٞ"،ؿخِؼش حٌميّ حٌّفظٛكش ،فٍٔط١.ٓ

- رخلَ ، ِؼ١ ٓػزي .حِ١ ، ٓحِ١ٕش ِلّي ،).0.4 " ،)حٌم١ ُحٌٔخثيس ٌيٜ ؽٍزش حٌـخِؼش

فٟ ػٛء رؼغ حٌّظغ١َحص "، ِـٍش حٌزلٛع حٌظَرٛ٠ش ٚحٌٕفٔ١ش ، حٌؼيى حٌؼخِٓ ٚحٌؼشَْٚ .

- حٌزـخٍٞ،حكّي ٠.ْٔٛػٍٟ،ل١ِ ْلّي ،)04.4" ،)حٌم١ ُحٌـّخٌ١ش ٌيٜ ؽالد ِؼٙي

حٌفْٕٛ حٌـّ١ٍش"، ِـٍش ؿخِؼش وَوٛن ٌٍيٍحٓخص حإلٔٔخٔ١ش ، حٌّـٍي )9 )حٌؼيى:2.

- حٌـخٍكٟ،ِلّي ٍأفض ِلّي ،)9..4" ،)طّٕ١ش رؼغ حٌم١ ُحٌظَرٛ٠ش ٌظالِ١ ٌحٌلٍمش

حألٌٚٝ ِٓ حٌظؼٍ١ ُحألٓخٟٓ فٟ ِظَ فٟ ػٛء هزَس حٌ١خرخْ"، )أؽَٚكش ىوظٍٛحٖ غ١ َ

ِٕشٍٛس(ؿخِؼش حٌِلخُ٠ك، ِظَ .

- ؿّٛي،رخّٓش حىَ.حٌفٛحي،ِلّي ه١،ّٛٔٚ.َػزي حٌٕخطَ،)04.4 " ،)حٌفْٕٛ حٌظشى١ٍ١ش

ل١ّش ػٍّ١ش ِٚشىالص طيٍ٠ٔ١ش"، ِـٍش ؿخِؼش ىِشك ٌٍؼٍَٛ حٌٕٙيٓ١ش ،حٌّـٍي حٌؼخِٓ

ٚحٌؼشَْٚ ،حٌؼيى حٌؼخٟٔ،ىِشك .

- حٌوَحفٟ،ػزي حٌلٔٓ،)...4 "،)طٛظ١ف حٌّفخ٘١ ُحٌَ٠خػ١ش فٟ ىػُ حٌم١ ُحٌظَرٛ٠ش

ٚحٌي٠ٕ١ش فٟ حٌَّكٍش حٌؼخٔٛ٠ش ريٌٚش حٌىٛ٠ض" ، حٌّـٍش حٌظَرٛ٠ش ، حٌؼيى )09 )ؿخِؼش حٌىٛ٠ض


- هٍ١ِ،ًلّي ر١ِٟٛ ،) 0686" ، )حٌلخؿخص حٌٕفٔ١ش ٚحٌم١ٌ ُيٜ حٌّظفٛل١ ٓ

)ىٍحٓش طشو١ظ١ش("،

ىٍحٓ١خ ِـٍش وٍ١ش حٌظَر١ش – ؿخِؼش حٌِلخُ٠ك،حٌؼيى).0،)حٌٕٔش حٌَحرؼش ً


- حٌيح٠،ُػزيهللا ،) 0698 "، )حٌؼٍٛس ٚحٌظىٌٕٛٛؿ١خ فٟ حٌظَر١ش حٌؼَر١ش "،ؽ 4، ىحٍ حٌؼٍُ

ٌٍّال١٠ ، ٓر١َٚص .

- حٌَر١ؼٟ ، حُ٘خٍ ِخؿي ،)2..4 "،)حٌم١ ُحٌـّخٌ١ش ٌيٜ ؽخٌزخص حٌّيحٍّ حإلػيحى٠ش

حٌّشٌّٛش ٚغ١ َحٌّشٌّٛش رخالٍشخى حٌظَرٛٞ" )ٍٓخٌش ِخؿٔظ١ َغ١ِٕ َشٍٛس (وٍ١ش حٌظَر١ش

،حٌـخِؼش حٌّٔظٕظَ٠ش .

- َُ٘حْ،كخِي،)2..4"،)ػٍُ حٌٕفْ حالؿظّخػٟ"،ؽ2،ػخٌُ حٌىظذ،حٌمخَ٘س.

- ٓف١خْ،ٔز١ ًطخٌق،)0660 " ،)حٌم١ ُحٌٔخثيس ٌيٜ ؽٍزش ؿخِؼش طٕؼخء)فَع طؼِ( " ، )

ٍٓخٌش ِخؿٔظ١ َغ١ِٕ َشٍٛس ( ، وٍ١ش حٌظَر١ش ، حٌـخِؼش حٌّٔظٕظَ٠ش .

- حٌٔ١ي ،ارَح٘١ ُحٌٔ١ي حكّي،)0..4"،)حٌزٕخء حٌم١ّٟ ٚػاللظٗ رخٌظٕشجش حالؿظّخػ١ش

ٚحٌيحفؼ١ش ٌالٔـخُ"، )أؽَٚكش ىوظٍٛحٖ غ١ِٕ َشٍٛس(، لُٔ حٌؼٍَٛ حالؿظّخػ١ش ،ؿخِؼش

حٌِلخُ٠ك، ِظَ .

- شَ٠ف ،ٌ١(،ٍٝ02.4 " ،)طَط١ذ حٌم١ ُػٕي ؽالد حٌظؼٍ١ ُحٌؼخٔٛٞ فٟ حٌّيحٍّ

حٌوخطش ٚ حٌلىِٛ١ش ) ىٍحٓش ِمخٍٔش ("، ِـٍش ؿخِؼش ىِشك ،حٌّـٍي 46 حٌؼيى حٌؼخٟٔ .

- طٛحٌلش ،ِلّي ،)2..4 " ،)ىٍحٓش طلٍ١ٍ١ش ٌٛحلغ حٌم١ ُفٟ ػ١ٕش ِٓ لظض حألؽفخي

"،ِـٍش حطلخى حٌـخِؼخص حٌؼَر١ش ٚػٍُ حٌٕفْ ،ِـٍي حألٚي ،حٌؼيى)2 ، )وٍ١ش حٌظَر١ش –

ؿخِؼش ىِشك.

- حٌؼز١يٞ،ؿزخٍ ِلّٛى،)02.4" ،)حٌم١ّش ٚحٌّؼ١خٍ حٌـّخٌٟ فٟ حٌظشى١ ً

حٌّؼخطَ"،ؽ0،ىحٍ ػفخف ٌٍطزخػش ٚحٌٕشَ ٚحٌظُٛ٠غ ،رغيحى.

- ػٍٟ ، حٔٛحٍ ِلّٛى ،)04.4 " ،)ىٍٚ حٌظَر١ش فٟ حٌظغ١ َحالؿظّخػٟ" ، ِـٍش وٍ١ش

حٌؼٍَٛ حإلٓالِ١ش ،حٌّـٍي حٌٔخىّ،حٌؼيى حٌؼخٟٔ ػشَ.

- ػٍٟ،ٓؼ١ي آّخػ١(، ً0660" ،)فٍٔفخص طَرٛ٠ش ِؼخطَس"، ٍٍٓٔش ػخٌُ حٌّؼَفش

)068 )حٌىٛ٠ض .

- ػٍ١خْ،ِلّي .ػٍٔ١ش،ػِص ٠ل١"، ٝحالطـخ٘خص ٔلٛ حٌظلي٠غ ٚػاللظٙخ رّٕظِٛش حٌم١ ُ

ٌيٜ حٌشخد حٌـخِؼٟ حٌّؼخطَ الٔظفخػش حأللظٝ"،ِئطَّ حٌظَر١ش فٟ فٍٔط١ٚ ٓطغ١َحص

.4..2042-42، ٓ١طٍٔفَ ،ؼظٌح

- حٌمزخع،ِٕيي ػزيهللا،"حٌم١ ُحٌـّخٌ١ش ٚحػَ٘خ فٟ حٌٍٔٛن"،ِمخٌش فٟ طل١فش حٌـِ٠َس

حٌٔؼٛى٠ش حٌظخىٍس ػٓ ىحٍ حٌـِ٠َس ٌٍطزخػش ٚحٌٕشَ،حٌؼيى 02229 ، حٌظخىٍ رظخٍ٠ن

.)4.04-6- 00، ٓ١ٕحالػ)

- وٕؼخْ ،حكّي ،)0660" ،)حىد حألؽفخي ٚحٌم١ ُحٌظَرٛ٠ش " ، ؽ 0 ، ىحٍ حٌفىَ. ىِشك.

- حٌّغَرٟ،ٓؼي،)0688" ،)حٌظّٕ١ش ٚحٌم١ٍِّٔ -ُخص ِٚزخىة"، ِـٍش ػٍُ حٌٕفْ ،حٌٙ١جش

حٌّظَ٠ش حٌؼخِش ٌٍىظخد، حٌؼيى )0.)

- Beck,C., (1996), "Renewal and Educational Leadership", paper

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- Joanna Touloumtzoglou , (1999),"Resolving binary responses to

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- Sinclair,J.M.) 1991)" Collins English Dictionary" , Third

Edition, Birmingham: Harper Collins Publishers.



How to Cite

معن جاسم محمد and عبير قاسم خلف, “تغير القيم الجمالية لدى طلبة كلية الفنون الجميلة - جامعة ديالى ”, jfath, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 1–31, Aug. 2023.