The effect of two educational models on the development of reading comprehension among first grade intermediate students
This paper aims at identifying the effect of two teaching models on
developing reading comprehension among first intermediate school
students. For the sake of achieving this aim, the researcher adopted
an experimental design of partial adjustment which is the design of
(two first and second experimental groups) and (pre and post tests).
The sample of the study comprised (52) male first intermediate year
students who are studying in Alwathiq Secondary school, Khalis
Directorate of Education/ Diyala Province who are randomly
distributed into two experimental groups of (26) students each. The
first experimental group is taught according to Suchman model,
while the second experimental group is taught via using Thelen
model. The researcher, then, matched between students of both
groups in the variables of (students' periodic age, fathers' academic
achievement, mothers' academic achievement, pre reading
comprehension test, and language proficiency test).
Moreover, the researcher tried to adjust some intruding variables
which might influence such type of experimental designs according
to previous literature and past studies. After specifying the topics to
be taught, which included certain topics extracted from the reading
comprehension book designed for first intermediate school students
in a total number of (8) headings, the researcher has set (eight)
lesson plans for the first experimental group according to Suchman
model, as well as other (eight) lesson plans for the second
experimental group in light of Thelen model. She has also set an
objective reading comprehension test comprising of (30) multiple
choice and essay items, she verified its validity, the recognition
power in its items and their difficulty coefficient.
Furthermore, via using Chi Square in data analysis, the study led to
the following result:
- There is statistically significant difference between students in
the first experimental group who were taught reading according to
Suchman model and students in the second experimental group who
were taught reading according to Thelen model in terms of their
average scores in the pre and post reading comprehension
improvement tests.
In light of the study results, the researcher recommended the
necessity of making use of Suchman and Thelen models in teaching
reading comprehension for first intermediate school students. The,
and in continuation of the present study, the researcher suggested
performing a number of studies and researches in the field of
reading comprehension as, for instance, conducting a study that is
aiming at finding out the impact of using two teaching models in
improving reading comprehension.
- ئذشج٘١ِ ،ُشٚجْ ػـرذ جٌّؿ١ذ،)٩٩٩ )َٔج٤عـظ جٌؼٍّ١س ٚجٌطشق ج٦قـظحت١س
ٌ٩خطرحسجش ٚجٌم١حط، ؽٔ، دجس جٌفىش، ػّحْ.
- جذٛ ؾحدٚ ، طحٌف ِكّذ ػٍٟ،)ٕٕٔٓ(، ػٍُ جٌٕفظ جٌطشذٛٞ ، ؽ٩ ، دجس جٌّغ١شز ٌٍٕشش
ٚجٌطٛص٠غ ، ػّحْ ، ج٨سدْ .
- جٌرظ١ض ، قحضُ قغ١ ، ) ٕٓٔٔ( ٓضّٕ١س ِٙحسجش جٌمشجءز ٚجٌىطحذس : جعطشجض١ؿ١حش
ِطؼذدز ٌٍطذس٠ظ ٚجٌطمٛ٠ ، ُؽٔ ، ِٕشٛسجش جٌٙ١ثس جٌؼحِس جٌغٛس٠س ٌٍىطحخ ، عٛس٠ح-
دِشك .
- جٌرغذجدٞ ، ِكّذ سػح ،)ٓ٩٨،) ٔج٤٘ذجف ٚج٨خطرحسجش ذ١ ٓجٌٕظش٠س ٚجٌططر١ك فٟ
ِٕح٘ؽ ٚؽشق جٌطذس٠ظ ،ِىطرس جٌف٩ـ ،جٌؼشجق ، ذغذجد .
- ؾحذش ، ؾحذش ػـرذ جٌكّ١ذ ، ٚػح٠ف قـر١د، )٧ٙ٩ ، )َٔأعحعـ١حش جٌـطذس٠ظ ، ِطرؼس
جٌؼـحٟٔ ، جٌؼشجق ، ذغذجد .
- ؾحًِ ،ػرذ جٌشقّٓ )ٕٓٓٓ(،جٌطؼٍُ جٌزجضٟ ذحٌّٛد٩٠ش جٌطؼٍ١ّ١س ، د.ؽ، دجس جٌّٕح٘ؽ
،ػّحْ-ج٤سدْ .
- جٌؿشؼّٟ ، ِػٕٝ ػٍٛجْ ٚجٌؿشؼّٟ ، شزٜ ِػٕٝ ػٍٛجْ ) ٩ ،) ٕٓٓجٌطذس٠ظ فٓ ٚػٍُ
ٚأخ٩ق ،ٚصجسز جٌطؼٍ١ ُجٌؼحٌٟ ٚجٌركع جٌؼٍّٟ ، ؾحِؼس د٠حٌٝ –وٍ١س جٌطشذ١س ج٤طّؼٟ .
- جٌؿؼحفشز ، ػرذ جٌغ٩ َ٠ٛعف)ٕٔٔٓ(،ِٕح٘ؽ جٌٍغس جٌؼشذ١س ٚؽشجتك ضذس٠غٙح ذ١ ٓ
جٌٕظش٠س ٚجٌططر١ك، ِىطرس جٌّؿطّغ جٌؼشذٟ ٌٍٕشش ٚجٌطٛص٠غ، ػّحْ –ج٤سدْ.
- ؾّٙٛس٠س جٌؼشجق ، ِٕٙؽ جٌذسجعس جٌّطٛعطس)ٙ٩٩ِ ، ) َٔذ٠ش٠س ِطرؼس ٚصجسز جٌطشذ١س .
- ؾّٙٛس٠س جٌؼشجق ، ِٕٙؽ جٌذسجعس جٌّطٛعطس )٩٧٧ِ ، ) َٔذ٠ش٠س ِطرؼس ٚصجسز جٌطشذ١س
- جٌؿّ١ٍٟ ، ص٠ٕد ػرذ جٌكغ١ ٓقّذجْ )ٕٗٓٓ(، أغش ج٨عطّحع جٌٕحلذ ػٕذ ضذس٠ظ جٌّطحٌؼس
فٟ ج٤دجء جٌطؼر١شٞ ٚضّٕ١س جٌطفى١ش جٌٕحلذ ٌطحٌرحش جٌّشقٍس ج٦ػذجد٠س، )أؽشٚقس دوطٛسجٖ
غ١ش ِٕشٛسز (، ؾحِؼس ذغذجد ، جذٓ سشذ .
- جٌكفٕٟ ، ػرذ جٌّٕؼُ ،) ٘٩٧ِٛ ، ) ٔعٛػس ػٍُ جٌٕفظ جٌطكٍ١ ًجٌٕفغٟ ، ِىطد
جٌّذذٌٟٛ ، جٌمح٘شز .
- خحؽش، ِكّٛد سشذٞ ٚآخشْٚ ،) ٙ٩٨ ،)َ ٔجٌّذخً فٟ ضذس٠ظ جٌٍغس جٌؼشذ١س ٚجٌطشذ١س
جٌذ٠ٕ١س فٟ ػٛء ج٨ضؿح٘حش جٌطشذٛ٠س جٌكذ٠ػس، جٌطرؼس جٌػحٌػس، جٌمح٘شز: دجس جٌػمحفس.
- جٌذٌ١ّٟ ، ؽٗ ػٍٟ قغ١ٚ ، ٓعؼحد ػرذ جٌىش٠ ُجٌٛجتٍٟ )٩ ، ) ٕٓٓجضؿح٘حش قذ٠ػس فٟ
جعحٌ١د ضذس٠ظ جٌٍغس جٌؼشذ١س ، ػحٌُ جٌىطد جٌكذ٠ع ٌٍٕشش ٚجٌطٛص٠غ ، أسذذ – ج٨سدْ .
- جٌشجصٞ ِكّذ ذٓ أذٟ ذىش ػرذ جٌمحدس )ٔ٩٨ِ :)ٔؼؿُ ِخطحس جٌظكحـ ، ذ١شٚش.
- صج٠ش ،عؼذ ، عّحء ضشوٟ دجخً ،) ٖٕٔٓ (،جضؿح٘حش قذ٠ػس فٟ ضذس٠ظ جٌٍغس جٌؼشذ١س ،ؼ
ٔ، دجس جٌّشضؼٝ -ذغذجد .
- جٌغحِٛن، عؼذْٚ ِكّٛد، ٚجٌشّشٞ، ٘ذٜ ػٍٟ ؾٛجد)ٕ٘ٓٓ(:ِٕح٘ؽ جٌٍغس جٌؼشذ١س
ٚؽشق ضذس٠غٙح،ؽٔ،دجس ٚجتً ٌٍٕشش ،ػّحْ –ج٤سدْ.
- جٌغ١ذ ،قغ١ ٓأقّذ ،)ٕ٘ٓٓ( ، ضّٕ١س ضؼٍ١ ُجٌٕكٛ فٟ جٌّذجسط جٌؼشذ١س ذحعطخذجَ جعٍٛخ
جٌكحعٛخ ، عٍغٍس وطد جٌّغطمرً جٌؼشذٟ،جٌؼذد )٩ِ )ٖشوض جٌٛقذز، ذ١شٚش .
- شكحضس ،قغٓ ٚجٌٕؿحس ،ص٠ٕد ،)ٖٕٓٓ(، ِؼؿُ جٌّظطٍكحش جٌطشذٛ٠س ٚجٌٕفغ١س، جٌذجس
جٌّظش٠س جٌٍرٕحٔ١س .
- طحذش ، فحؽّس ػٛع ، ِٚشفص ػٍٟ خفحؾس،) ٕٕٓٓ (، أعظ ِٚرحدب جٌركع جٌؼٍّٟ ،
ِطرؼس ج٨شؼحء جٌفٕ١س ، ج٨عىٕذس٠س – ِظش .
- ػحشٛس، سجضد لحعُ، ِٚمذجدٞ، ِكّذ فخشٞ،)٩،)ٕٓٓجٌّٙحسجش جٌمشجت١س ٚجٌىطحذ١س
ؽشجتك ضذس٠غٙح ٚجعطشجض١ؿ١حضٙح، دجس جٌّغ١شز ٌٍٕشش ٚجٌطٛص٠غ ٚجٌطرحػس، ػّحْ-ج٤سدْ.
- ػرذ جٌٙحدٞ ، ٔـر١ـً جقّذ، )َٕٔٓٓ( ، جٌمـ١حط ٚجٌطـمـٛ٠ ُجٌطشذٛٞ ٚجعـطخذجِٗ فٟ
ِؿحي جٌـطذس٠ظ جٌظفٟ، ؽٕ ، دجس ٚجتً ٌٍٕشش، ػّحْ.
- ػرذ جٌٙحدٞ ،ٔر١ٚ ًآخشْٚ ،) ٖٕٓٓ( ، ِٙحسجش فٟ جٌٍغس ٚجٌطفى١ش، دجس جٌّغ١شز ٌٍٕشش
ٚجٌطٛص٠غ ، ػّحْ – ج٨سدْ .
- ػٛدز ، جقّذ عٍ١ّحْ ، ٚفطكٟ قغٓ ِـٍىحٚٞ ، ) ٕ٩٩ ، ) َٔجعــحع١ــحش جٌركع
جٌؼٍّٟ فٟ جٌطشذ١س ٚجٌؼٍَٛ ج٨ٔغحٔ١س ، ِىطرس جٌّٕحس ٌٍٕشش ٚجٌطٛص٠غ ، دجس جٌطـشذـ١ـس ،
ؾحِؼس جٌ١شِٛن ، ج٨سدْ .
- لطحِٟ ، ٠ٛعف ، ٚٔح٠فس جٌمطحِٟ ،) ٩٩٨ّٔ ، ) ٔحرؼ جٌطذس٠ظ جٌظفٟ ، ؽٔ ، ػّحْ
– دجس جٌششٚق .
- ِكّذ قر١د ج هلل ،) ٕٓٓٓ ( ،أعظ جٌمشجءز ٚفُٙ جٌّمشٚء : ذ١ ٓجٌٕظش٠س ٚجٌططر١ك،
جٌطرؼس جٌػحٔ١س ، ػّحْ – ج٤سدْ : دجس ػّحس ٌٍطرحػس ٚجٌٕشش ٚجٌطٛص٠غ .
- ِشػٟ ، ضٛف١ك جقّذ ، ِٚكّذ ِكّٛد جٌك١ٍس ،) ٕٕٓٓ(، ؽشجتك جٌطذس٠ظ جٌؼحِس، دجس
جٌّ١غشز ٌٍٕشش ٚجٌطٛص٠غ ، ػّحْ.
- جٌٕحلس ، ِكّٛد وحًِ ، ٚق١ذ جٌغ١ذ قحفع، )ٕٕٓٓ( ، ضؼٍ١ ُجٌٍغس جٌؼشذ١س فٟ جٌطؼٍ١ ُجٌؼحَ
، ِذجخٍٗ ٚفٕ١حضٗ ، ؼٔ ، ِطرؼس جٌؿحِؼس – ذٕٙح ،ؾّٙٛس٠س ِظش جٌؼشذ١س .
- ٠ٛعف ،قغٕٟ ػرذ جٌؿٍ١:)ٕٖٓٓ(،ًػٍُ لشجءز جٌٍغس جٌؼشذ١س ج٤طٛي ٚجٌمٛجػذ ٚجٌطشق
، ِإعغس جٌّخطحس ، جٌمح٘شز – ِظش.
- ٠ٔٛظ ، فطكٟ ػٍٟ ، ٚآخشْٚ ،) ٔ٩٨ ، َ ) ٔأعحع١حش ضؼٍ١ ُجٌٍغس جٌؼشذ١س ٚجٌطشذ١س
جٌذ٠ٕ١س ، دجس جٌطرحػس ٚجٌٕشش ، جٌمح٘شز .
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