Affirmative factor analysis of the posttraumatic stress symptom scale


  • Amal Ismail Ayez Al-Mustansiriyah University \ College Education



analysis, scale, shock


The problem of the current research focused on the confirmatory factor analysis of the scale of symptoms of post-traumatic stress by the researcher (Al-Kinani: 2014), then the researcher dealt with the importance of the research, the theoretical importance and the practical importance, while the aim of the current research is the confirmatory factor analysis of the scale of symptoms of post-traumatic stress in the Iraqi environment.The current research has reached through confirmatory factor analysis, it turns out that most of the indicators indicate the presence of conformity to the current model, however, some other conformity indicators were found to fill the weaknesses in the chi-square index as its statistical significance is affected by the size of the sample, as any slight difference between the covariance and covariance matrix of the assumed model The sample matrix is ​​statistically significant when the sample size is expanded. It appeared that most of the matching indicators indicate good matching of the model, and it was mentioned that the model’s enjoyment of general conformity based on the matching indicators does not indicate at all that the model is completely devoid of any defect in the objective conformity of some of the model’s parameters.

Therefore, the results of the general conformity indicators of the model must be reinforced by a detailed topical examination by examining the residuals (standard error) and the coefficient of determination (the stability coefficient). Hence its adoption.

In light of the result, the researcher made recommendations and a number of proposals


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How to Cite

أمل إسماعيل عايز, “Affirmative factor analysis of the posttraumatic stress symptom scale”, jfath, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 97–126, Jul. 2023.