Social anxiety in women displaced in the province of Diyala


  • Abdul Razzaq Jadoua Mohammed مركز ابحاث الطفولة والامومة / جامعة ديالى


Scientists have been interested in migration and immigrants as a result of the wide spread of the horizons of the phenomenon of migration in the countries of the world because of its demographic, social, political and economic importance. There are many types of migration such as voluntary, compulsory, internal, external, seasonal and permanent migration. Social and the disintegration of social relations due to the deterioration of the security situation, which affected the behavior of women negatively, making them unable to stay in an insecure social environment, and women are among the most vulnerable circles of society in facing social crises, when they are separated from their environment in which they grew up and grew up And she forcibly migrates to a new environment, because she will be inconsistent with it, and the environment may disrupt her energies and provoke anxiety and fear in her, which results in her developing psychological defenses through which she tries to confront the internal response to threats from the outside, which become acquired traits of her personality that characterize her as social anxiety. The environment in which disasters, wars and crises exist affects the course of her personality growth, her attitudes towards society, her relationship with its members, her view of herself, life and the future. The absence of security, tranquility and stability remains the basis for pushing women to migrate. The woman migrated to her.



How to Cite

د. عبد الرزاق جدوع محمد, “Social anxiety in women displaced in the province of Diyala”, jfath, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 122–144, Jun. 2023.