Effect of incubation temperature on the Grosspathology of chickens Embr


  • Dr. Maudhir Dakhil mohammed University of Diayla, College of Education, Biology Department


The optimum incubation temperature for chickens hatching eggs was 37.7c in the first 18th days and 36c for the rest three days of hatching.
Increase or decrease in temperature affect the hatching (1). The identification of the cause of a decrease in hatchability is of considerable commercial importance (2). A commonly used technique for identifying the cause of hatch problems is to break-out. Opening unhatched eggs and inspecting the embryos for the presence of abnormalities (3). (4), has reviewed the extensive literature reporting the factors that have been associated with morphological abnormalities in the embryos. In addition to abnormal morphology, the embryo may not be correctly developed and positiond within the egg to allow successful hatching. Embryo position its head in the blunted next to aircell and its head is under its right wing. Deviations from the correct hatching position are classified as malpositions (5). Successful artificial incubation of eggs is dependent on careful control of incubator temperature. Small deviations from the optimum have a major effect on embryos development growth and survival (6). Despite the considerable importance of incubating eggs at the correct temperature, there is littel information available on how to identify hatch problems caused by in correct temperature when performing a hatch break-out.
The present study was to investigate the decrease or increase temperature on the abnormalities in chicks embryo for mortality and pathologica changes.



How to Cite

مظهر دخيل محمد, “Effect of incubation temperature on the Grosspathology of chickens Embr”, jfath, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 186–193, Jun. 2023.