Reasons for failure sixth preparatory students in chemistry from the perspective of students and teachers
Secondary education in any country represents a stage of education that has a far-reaching effect on the souls of young people, influencing their formation, preparing them for life, and paving their way to the future. The importance of this education is evident in several aspects, the most important of which are: that its years cover a critical stage in the life of young people, which is the stage of adolescence, with the accompanying basic changes in the body, mind and soul, and the subsequent basic requirements for each of these aspects that form the personality of the teenager and determine his behavior and relationships and make it imperative for the school Secondary to provide the various factors to achieve those requirements.
(Muhammad, 2002, p. 31)
The secondary school student is a teenager who is characterized by certain characteristics of this stage, and similar feelings circulate in their minds about many things. Therefore, it is required that we encourage students to discuss their negative feelings and write about them. It is the duty of the teacher here to understand the reasons behind the teenager's rebellion and help him to control himself.
(Finch, 1991, p. 126)
That every weakness that students suffer from a subject can be attributed to several factors, the teacher may be the reason behind this, and the curriculum may be in terms of its inappropriateness to the students’ mental levels, and the reason may be due to the student himself because he suffers from chronic diseases or living in a family environment that suffers from conditions Low economic and cultural discord prevails, and there may be other factors, but these are the most prominent or the most important. Likewise, the weakness in the preparation of the teacher, who is the mainstay of the educational process, directly affects the weakness of the learner’s preparation. Theses showed that there is a weakness among male and female teachers in this subject, especially in testing the appropriate method, teaching methods, educational activities, and the lack of prior planning for the lesson.
(Al-Arabi, 2000, p. 3)
The lack of knowledge of chemistry teachers and their lack of interest in the methods, models and modern educational methods in teaching chemical concepts and their lack of familiarity with them made them depend only on the use of traditional teaching methods and methods, and this may be one of the reasons for the poor level of students in chemistry and the complaint of its difficulty (with the support of a group of specialized supervisors)
From this point of view, the importance of the role played by the teacher, especially the secondary school teacher, in achieving the growth of students, depends on the success of the school in achieving its goals. Some believe that the teacher's value lies in his ability to lead and guide his students with the influence of his personality and character. Some research conducted on students' opinions of their teachers has proven that there are two basic qualities that students prefer in their teachers: kindness to students, responsiveness to them, patience with their mistakes, and the ability to clarify study materials. .
(Muhammad, 2002, p. 37)
In addition to the need for the teacher to know the professional skills in teaching and a rich understanding of the students’ psychological, mental and emotional nature, in addition to obtaining general and diverse cultural distances, and according to these requirements, the teacher numbers institutions organized their curricula, programs and activities, and with all that, the issue of teacher numbers is still an issue, open-ended because it is constantly needed To keep pace with developments in the fields of science and technology.
(Al-Qaisi, 1986, pg. 42)