Dimensions of the conflict Mauritania - Senegal in the Senegal River Basin


  • Abdul Amir Abbas Al-Hayali كلية التربية / جامعة ديالى


The research topic has been dealt with a problem that can be addressed by the following question:
What are the dimensions of the Mauritanian-Senegalese conflict in the Senegal River basin?
In order to reach a clear vision to discuss this problem, the hypothesis emerged that says, do social, economic and political dimensions stand behind this conflict? The research was represented by spatial and temporal borders, and either the spatial borders are related to the geographical space of the Senegal River Valley with its northern Mauritanian and southern Senegalese banks, while the temporal borders can be determined by the two countries gaining independence from the year (1960) until the year (2006).
The research included three main sections, where the first topic includes the geographical data of the Senegal River, and the second topic talks about the border crisis, while the third topic presents the dimensions of the conflict and the negotiation strategy.



How to Cite

أ.م.د. عبد الأمير عباس الحيالي, “Dimensions of the conflict Mauritania - Senegal in the Senegal River Basin”, jfath, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 227–235, Jun. 2023.