The impact of the use of circuit training in the development of strands of speed and explosive power of students at the fourth stage, Department of Physical Education / Teacher Training Institute
The physical attributes are of great importance to the student, especially in the Department of Physical Education at the Teachers Training Institute, as well as it is one of the goals of the lesson of physical education due to the presence of a weakness in the student. Circular training has been experimented as a means of developing some physical attributes. A pre- and post-test for the characteristics of strength and speed was conducted after applying a set of exercises within the method of circular training and came out with a set of recommendations after proving these characteristics.
How to Cite
م . م محمد مھدي صالح, “The impact of the use of circuit training in the development of strands of speed and explosive power of students at the fourth stage, Department of Physical Education / Teacher Training Institute”, jfath, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 1–13, Jun. 2023.