Study the optical properties of the lens magnetic mono-pole cylindrical lens Mskotaih


  • Asaad Ahmed Kamel كلیة العلوم / جامعة دیالى


The research includes studying the properties of the unipolar magnetic lens from knowing the distribution of the intensity of the axial magnetic flux measured at constant irritation of the lens and under the condition of magnetic desaturation, and then showing the effect of the size of the aperture and the shape of the pole on these properties, as well as studying the distortion that occurs in the image formed by the projection lens when it is used as a lens Magnification in an electron microscope.



How to Cite

م. أسعد أحمد كامل, “Study the optical properties of the lens magnetic mono-pole cylindrical lens Mskotaih”, jfath, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 32–41, Jun. 2023.