The impact of the use of certain transactions Alkhoznip to control fungal infections associated with the fruits of the local orange Citrus sinensis L


  • Hussein Ali Salem قسم وقایة النبات / مدیریة زراعة دیالى


This study was carried out in plant diseases laboratory/ Diala
agriculture directory during season 2008 .That’s to detect the fungi
that accompany the local oranges in the field and in the store,to
determine their percentages and to test the efficiency of some storage
treatments in reducing such percentages.The results of this study
showed that isolation of the genera Aspergillus sp1, Aspergillus sp2,
Aspergillus sp3, Penicillium sp



How to Cite

م.م. حسین علي سالم, “The impact of the use of certain transactions Alkhoznip to control fungal infections associated with the fruits of the local orange Citrus sinensis L”, jfath, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 42–51, Jun. 2023.