Transition State Theory and Reaction Kinetic for the Corrosion of Steel in Acid Media


  • Dr. Anees Abdullah Daiyla University
  • Dr. Khalid Whaleed Hameed Baghdad University


The application of transition state theory and reaction kinetic
equations were applied on the corrosion of low carbon steel in
hydrochloric acid at different temperature and different acid
concentration. The values of enthalpy of activation, entropy of
activations, and other kinetics parameters of corrosion reaction were
obtained. Enthalpy of activation increased with decrease of acid
concentration, while the values of entropy of activation decrease with
acid concentration increase.
Key words: Transition state theory, Corrosion kinetic equation



How to Cite

د. أنيس عبدلله and خالد وليد حميد, “Transition State Theory and Reaction Kinetic for the Corrosion of Steel in Acid Media”, jfath, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 206–213, Jun. 2023.