أثر إستراتيجية ميردر “M.U.R.D.E.R” في تحصيل طالبات الصف الخامس الأدبي في مادة التأريخ
Achievement, Murder StrategyAbstract
The present study aims at knowing the effect of M.U.R.D.E.R in the achievement for the fifth grade literary girl students at history. To verify the aims of this study, the researcher put the following null hypotheses.
- There is no statistical differences at level (0.05) at the mean marks of the experimental group that study the history of Europe , Modern and contemporary America in accordance to M.U.R.D.E.R strategy and the mean marks of the controlling group that study the same subject in accordance to the usual classic method in the achievement test .
The researcher applied the experimental approach which is characterized by the partial controlling as a design for the research, the researcher has intentionally chosen Al-Zahraa and Al Quds secondary school at the Centre of Diyala . Both schools contained one class of literary studies , and the one class of literary studies , and the researcher randomly chosen Al-zahraa secondary school to represent the experimental group that consisted of 40 students that studied in accordance to the strategy of M.U.R.D.E.R and Al-Quds secondary school to represent the controlling group that consisted of 39 students studied in accordance to the usual classical method.
Before teaching the students , the researcher made a kind of equivalence between the two groups in the following statistical variables : the marks of intelligence tests , the age of girls by months , the marks of girls at history in the final test of the academic year 2015-2016 , the pre-application of the measure of the cognitive model and the academic achievement of the parents .
The researcher prepared an achievement test at history that consists of (50) optional items (38) multiple choice items and (12) essay items of short answers classified into five levels of Bloom`s classification ( cognition , understanding , application , analysis , construction and assessment ) . The researcher checked the truth value of the test , its stability and its psychometric characteristics (difficulty coefficient , distinctive strength and the effectiveness of wrong choices ) and it was applied on the two groups for 12 weeks .
The researcher used the following statistical means : T-test for two independent groups of different members, Kay , difficulty coefficient correlation , distinctive strength , the correlation of the effectiveness of wrong choices , Pearson coefficient correlation , Spearman – Brown correlation and Alpha-Cronbach equation .
After correcting the answers and treating the data statistically , the results showed a statistical difference at median achievement and the measure of the cognitive motive between the girl students of the experimental and controlling groups at level (0.05) in favour of the experimental group that studied history in accordance to the strategy of M.U.R.D.E.R .
The researcher recommended the following :
- Using the strategy of " M.U.R.D.E.R " has a good effect in the achievement . As such , the researcher recommends the teachers of history using the strategy of " M.U.R.D.E.R" in teaching history .
- Helding training rotations for training history teachers for Using the strategy of " M.U.R.D.E.R" in teaching history at different levels and stages.
- Using the strategy of U.R.D.E.R as an effective means in methods of teaching including the syllabus of the colleges of education .
The researcher suggested the following :
- A study to know the effect of using the strategy of M.U.R.D.E.R in the achievement of students as this study achievement of students as this study was confined on girls.
- A study to know the strategy of U.R.D.E.R on other variables like acquiring sympathy towards history and developing manifold thinking .
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