عادات العقل وعلاقتها ببعض المتغيرات لدى طلبة جامعة شقراء
: Mind HabitsAbstract
This research aims at knowing the level of practicing productive mind habits and their relation to certain variables related to the students of the college of Education at Alshakraa university. The researcher has designed a measure of mind habits that consists of 16 habits under three or four headings. The sample consists of 222 students (174) female and (48) male students. The approach adopted in this study was descriptive.
The researcher used Pearson's and T-tests and concluded the followings:
1-The students of the college of education practice the sixteen mind habits with a percentage of (70.93 %) but the results varied in using productive mind habits. The habit of being open-minded scored (81.16%), then the habit of response with astonishment and horror (79.17%), then the habit of exchanged thinking (78.01%) and finally persistence (75.75%).
2-There is no statistical relation at level (0.05a) of the students of Alshakraa university for these habits and their accumulated average.
3-There is no significant statistical difference at (0.)5) level at practicing productive mind habits according to the variable of specialty whether scientific or human.
4- There is no significant statistical difference at (0.)5) level at practicing productive mind habits in accordance to their specialty.
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