The Effect of Using Modified Lecture on Listening Comprehension skill for English Department Students at Diyala University


  • م.م. ابتهال احمد صلال كلية التربية الاساسية / جامعة ديالى


المحاضرة المعدلةKeyword : Modified Lecture


Abstract :

This study aimed at answering the following question :

- What is the effect of using  modified lecture  on the listening comprehension skill of second level students  in basic education college at Diyala University ?

 The study sample consisted of (50) students from the second level in the English language department/ College of Basic Education in Diyala University. It was distributed into two groups: the experimental group (25 students) was taught comprehension by using modified lecture  ,  and the control group (25 students) was taught comprehension by using the traditional method.

 The main instrument of the present study was: the listening comprehension skill is measured by using an achievement test. The researcher assured its validity and reliability of the instrument. Means, standard deviations  ANCOVA were used to analyze the data.

The statistical analysis showed the following results:

  • There are statistical significant differences in the mean scores between the experimental group students, and the control group students in favor of the experimental group.

In line with this, the researcher recommends using modified lecture   to develop listening comprehension , among English majors.

 The researcher also suggests that further studies should be conducted by  using the  Lecture Modified  method in another variables rather than teaching method .



Foreign references

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Arabic references:

- سعادة، جودت احمد (2010). أساليب تدريس الموهوبين والمتفوقين، ط1، عمان: ديبونو للنشر والتوزيع.

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How to Cite

م.م. ابتهال احمد صلال, “The Effect of Using Modified Lecture on Listening Comprehension skill for English Department Students at Diyala University”, jfath, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 46–59, Aug. 2023.