Effectiveness of the strategy proposed in the ability to resolve issues with the chemical sixth grade science students
The rapid scientific and technological development in our new world requires education to fundamentally change its philosophy, especially with regard to scientific thinking and its skills, and an emphasis on mental processes whose essence is the employment of teaching methods and strategies that emphasize exploration, investigation, problem-solving and science processes. Anyone looking at the content of chemistry for the sixth scientific grades sees that there is a process of fragmentation of concepts within one chapter or in related chapters, some of them in light of organizing the common content, as well as the case with mathematical questions at the end of the chapters of the book. While you see that the questions of ministerial exams or that are prepared by the teachers of the subject are complex questions that combine the concepts of one chapter or related chapters, and their solution requires higher mental skills, and this requires the learner to train on those mental skills and acquire them under a clear strategy that helps him in that It is based on a sound scientific basis that makes it capable of analyzing questions, identifying data and demands, selecting laws related to solving issues, linking them, and then applying them and reaching a solution to the issue. What supports the need for this is the high rate of failure in ministerial exams in this subject on the one hand, and the low levels of achievement of students in general on the other hand. Achievement, according to what is common in our schools, is an indicator to measure the student’s ability to think and practice mental operations and the extent to which he acquires the skills that are included in these practices. In light of the exam questions, especially in the ministerial exams. In this regard, the results of the study "Sahib" (2001) investigating the reasons for the low success rate in chemistry for the sixth scientific grade in the ministerial exams for the year (1999-2000) in Iraq revealed that among the reasons are weakness in the organization of content, weak correlation between its information, and weak ability of students To solve chemical problems.