Prostitution: It is the practice of adultery and sodomy for a fee with more than one person (1), and it is a socio-economic phenomenon that has existed since the existence of man on earth. It threatens society with deterioration and decline because it is one of the vices and abominations, as described by the Holy Qur’an ((And do not approach adultery, for it was obscenity and an evil way)) (2). Prostitution leads to the loss of lineage, spoils the family system, and exposes children to vagrancy, delinquency, and crime. It is a temporary relationship with no obligation or rights behind it except that a person obeys his sexual instinct like all animals without deterrence. The practice of prostitution keeps young people of both sexes away from legal marriage, causes shame and humiliation, and leads to social, economic, moral and serious health damages. It is one of the most prominent problems of human society inherent to it throughout the ages, so our Islamic law, thinkers and reformers took care to put solutions to this reprehensible phenomenon. This crime has kept pace with the development of modern technology and has taken many forms, and sex through the Internet has become used by prostitutes to obtain money, and this crime has crossed countries and continents and has become an international crime. Due to the seriousness of the crime of electronic prostitution and its rapid spread in the world and its threat to the security and stability of the international community, we decided to We are looking at this topic and we have divided it into three sections, the first topic is an introductory topic, the second topic deals with the causes and effects of electronic prostitution, and in the third topic we search for ways to combat electronic prostitution.