Abdullah bin Said bin dogs and Alclabah


  • millimeter. Saddam Jassim Muhammad كلية التربية / جامعة ديالى


Religious sects spread widely in Islamic countries, as they were characterized by the emergence of sects and sects in relation to their founders, and hence the topic of the research came to the Kilabiyah, its role, its origins, its origins, its most prominent founders, its men, the ideas and beliefs that emerged from it. Her views on many issues related to jurisprudence and principles, which tended to be moderate in most of them. In this research, I made sure to mention the complete facts, whether they were related to history, beliefs, or causes to people. I adhered to the scientific method in showing facts and resources despite the scarcity of sources and translations that I spoke about Al-Kalabiyyah and its founder, Abdullah bin Saeed Al-Kilabi, and the emergence of Al-Kilabiyyah was remarkable at a time when the Mu’tazilites appeared in a large way, and they delved into many issues related to jurisprudence and principles, which were outside the core of the Islamic religion and tended to extremism, especially in the matter of the sedition of the creation of the Qur’an, which did what it did. In the division of the unity of the Islamic ranks, had it not been for the will of God and the determination of Ahmed bin Hanbal before his era, he endured great harm in this ordeal and was steadfast in his principle, which is the truth. Vision, the issue of faith, the issue of destiny, and the issue of attributes. It was even said about Ibn Kilab in front of the Safiyyah, as well as the issue of loyalty and many other issues that the Kalabiyya had an opinion on. And Kalabia in Iraq, which was later represented by Al-Ash’ari in relation to Abu Al-Hassan Al-Ash’ari, and these two branches emerged from the womb of Al-Kalabiyyah and promoted and disseminated his ideas. Therefore, the name of Kilaab almost or no longer existed as a name except in the books of history and sects, but the principles and principles continued in the followers of Abi Al-Hassan Al-Ash’ari and the followers of Abi Mansour Maturidi who developed a lot of those assets.



How to Cite

م.م. صدام جاسم محمد, “Abdullah bin Said bin dogs and Alclabah”, jfath, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 16–22, Aug. 2023.