On Singular Sets and Maximal topologies


  • Jamil Mahmoud Jamil جامعة دیالى / كلیة العلوم
  • رفعت زیدان خلف جامعة دیالى/ كلیة العلوم


Abstract: In this research, we studied the maximal topologies and their relationship to individual groups. In addition, we studied the maximal spaces dependent on the semi-regular property and proved that if  is a partial maximum that has the property P, then  is the greatest P if and only if  is not singular (depending on the property P), and we prove if  is P is semi-regular,  is not singular (depending on the property P), each group is singular - s and V {x}, so that x is open - s and we proved some other theorems.



How to Cite

جمیل محمود جمیل and رفعت زیدان خلف, “On Singular Sets and Maximal topologies”, jfath, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 237–244, Aug. 2023.