The impact of a problem-solving educational approach on learning two basic basketball skills for second-stage students
الكلمة المفتاحية : منهج تعليمي باسلوب حل المشكلاتAbstract
The educational process is a tedious process, as it requires the person in charge of the process, learning, and education to choose the methods or method that he deems compatible with the requirements of the era, as well as the age groups of the educational process. Therefore, the researchers' attempt in this study was to use the problem-solving method, which is one of the methods that correspond to the age group of a sample. The two researchers, as the student can identify the problems that he faces in the legal knowledge and the mechanism of arbitration in basketball, as well as learning some basic skills in basketball, which made the researchers, through his follow-up to theoretical and practical lessons, notice that there are some kind of difficulties facing the student in the learning process, which may be the educational method One of the reasons that prompted him to go into this experiment. The researchers used the experimental approach for its suitability to the research problem, and the research community included second-stage students on a sample of (260) students from the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, and they were divided into two groups, the strength of each group was (30) students, and each group underwent different educational units, as The problem-solving method was applied to the first group, and the second group, which was the control group, was taught using the method used by the teacher. Tests after completing the units, and the pre and post results were processed by appropriate statistical means (spss).
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