Sports emotion and its relationship to the accuracy of scoring from the penalty mark in football


  • millimeter. Ali Abbas Fadel



The study aimed to identify emotion and its relationship to the accuracy of scoring from the penalty mark for fourth-stage students. The researcher used the descriptive approach in the manner of correlations appropriate to the nature of the research problem, which means linking variables with each other and identifying common factors. It aims in general through correlation to analyze the causes. The research included The research community included (35) and (15) fourth-stage students for the reconnaissance experiment. After completing the experiment, the conclusions came that the students who enjoy controlling irritability gather the ability to perform the scoring skill better. The most important recommendations: the need to take care of the psychological aspects, including the irascibility of sports And its impact on the performance of basic skills in football.



How to Cite

م.م. علي عباس فاضل, “Sports emotion and its relationship to the accuracy of scoring from the penalty mark in football”, jfath, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 456–465, Jul. 2023.