The Role of Faith and self-Confidence in Building Personality of The Iraqi Girl


  • Shaker Husain Alkshali باحث في علم الاجتماع




This subject has dealt first with identifying the human personality and how to build it, aspects, and factors that affect the human life on composing it going through stages of this building and composing of personality. Then it showed the most distinguished features of Iraqi personality during the past and present, and the civilized, social, and psychological sides that interfered in crafting and drawing these features with reference on how this drawing of Iraqi personality has been affected in what a civilized developed progress has achieved, that Iraq has witnessed during the sixth and seventh decades in the previous century, which unfortunately what has been fixed by building is destroyed and even the main foundation original of building has been affected because of the war during eighth decade within the same century. Then the core and essence of the aim and its purpose has been discussed, which is identifying in general the concept of faith and self-confidence, and the effect of correct and perfect education, upbringing, and the factors that the girl acquire and implanting it in her social nature to building her moderate, balanced, and powerful personality. Finally, conclusions and recommendations of correct and perfect upbringing that are achieved morally and materially, and totally by family care. Also, to courage the role of the woman in building in different domains in life.



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How to Cite

شاكر حسين الخشالي, “The Role of Faith and self-Confidence in Building Personality of The Iraqi Girl”, jfath, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 137–161, Aug. 2023.