Constructing a measure of passion for learning among middle school students in the city of Mosul


  • a. Dr.. Osama Hamed Mohammed



The research aims to build a measure of learning passion among middle school students in the city of Mosul, and for the purpose of achieving this, the researchers were interested in looking at some literature and studies. , perseverance, motivation to learn, integration) as it was relied upon after the approval of experts and arbitrators in education and psychology, the sample was chosen randomly from intermediate school students from both sides of the city of Mosul (right-left). The number of its paragraphs is (49) paragraphs, thus achieving the goal of the research in preparing a measure of passion for learning, and a number of recommendations and proposals have been formulated.



How to Cite

أ. د. أسامة حامد محمد, “Constructing a measure of passion for learning among middle school students in the city of Mosul”, jfath, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 126–143, Jul. 2023.