Mental wandering and its relationship to some variables among female students of the Kindergarten Department
Arabic Language : Mind Wandering , Kindergarten studentsAbstract
The current research aims to identify:
1 - Mind wandering among the students of the Kindergarten Department
2 - The differences in mind wandering among female students of the kindergarten department according to the stage variable (second, third, fourth) and of the kindergarten department according to the university variable (University of Baghdad, Al Iraqia University, College of Basic Education)
The research sample consisted of (400), one of the female students of the Kindergarten Department. The researcher also used the appropriate statistical procedures of validity and reliability for both tools. After data collection and statistical processing, the research reached the following results:
1- The kindergarten students were mind wandering. 2- No significant differences were observed in mind wandering among the students of the kindergarten department according to the stage variable. 3- According to the university variable, there were significant differences in the mind-wandering among the female students of the Kindergarten Department
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