The effect of using the shor strategy of skill exercises in improving some motor abilities and learning basic football skills for middle school students
It still needs new strategies that help all students learn according to their scientific levels, so the researchers decided to use the shor strategy, which is a method of teaching and learning at the same time, where students participate with the teacher in activities and depend on the student and the teacher to make the educational process easier and easier. The researchers used the experimental method for equivalent groups, and the research community was represented by students of the second grade average in the education of the third Karkh / Ministry of Education, and the sample of the research was represented by students of the second grade average to medium (for two martyrs of the two chests) for boys, and by designing two experimental and control groups, and tribal tests were conducted and the number of units reached (12 units) Educational units, at a rate of (2 units) per week and for each skill (4) educational units, where the application of units begins on 22/11/2021 and until 25/1/2022, and work was done in all educational departments and post tests were conducted to know the students’ learning level and the results were The research is moral in favor of the shor strategy, and the researchers concluded that the shor strategy attracts the students’ attention and increases their enthusiasm for the lesson, describing it as a
modern strategy. The teacher is the process of applying the educational objectivesset and achieving them.
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